Sunday, January 22, 2012

When Bears Are Sleeping At The Zoo It's Because They Were Up All Night Dancing For You

Today is my son's first birthday.  I haven't cried about it it's only 7am.  My tears are not tears of sadness, but of gladness.  I am living here, experiencing the absolute richness of God's blessing.  The only thing that comes to mind to help to descibe what I feel at the moment is very thick, dark chocolate that oozes like a covering. 

One year ago today, well this morning, I was in the middle of my mom's living room floor in a birthing pool, having Rosin.  Everything I dreamt about him being, he is.  His personality is mostly how I pictured it would be, minus the fit throwing at such a young age.  He is very busy, yet calm in the breath.  He is a momma's boy to the end.  He loves to nurse, nurse, nurse, to the point that he won't take a sippie cup or bottle of anything: milk, water, soy milk, lactose free milk...nothing.  I have to give him water via a real cup.  He is everything I've prayed for but I am now calling the next baby a she to somehow make that happen.  Rosin is hard, a blessing.  He is so busy, busy, busy it makes it hard to do anything but keep him out of trouble.

Through his personality I can see the difference between boys and girls.  Boys have an inate yearning to work, to be aggressive.  My husband Dereck and I were talking last night about the different compositions of Rhagan and Rosin. Our two children are totally opposite and unique. Already Rosin loves to build and destroy.  He loves to conquer things and feel accomplished and praised when he does something really well. Rhagan was so calm and still.  She was content playing in one spot for an hour listening to music.  With that being said, I think my son will give me a run for my money and my energy.  I read somewhere that at the age of about 3 to 4 years old little boys need to have that energy directed to a productive nature. The reasoning behind this is 1) They use their energy up and I don't call my active child an ADD or ADHD child because I don't know what to do with all the energy 2) It teaches them responsibility and a sense of accomplishment. For this reason I know I am called to be home with my babies to guide them and teach them in the way they should go. I have dreams for both of my children, but I pray my dreams for them are only a stepping stool so they can see the greatness God has called them to.  I never want to let my dreams and ambitions for them hinder them.  My greatest dream is that they will be happy and live for God.  

For Rosin's birthday I bought him a book titled On The Night You Were Born, from Kohl's.  It is absolutely beautiful.  The title of this post is from that book.  I hope my devotion to Rosin and the word's from this book will resonate with him always to know he is loved and he is the only him the world has ever known.  There is nothing he can't do, no mountain he can't move.  To my Rosin Wesley King...Mama loves you.

To read Rosin's birth story go to

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